Andrew is a learning and organisational development specialist with 20 years experience of delivery in private and public sector organisations. This experience has been gained through a variety of strategic and operational roles and more lately as an independent consultant. Andrew designs and delivers engaging development programmes and is a skilled facilitator. He is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Areas of expertise:
Working at organisation, team and individual levels, Andrew has particular interest in working with clients to achieve improved performance and effectiveness. This includes designing, developing and rolling out leadership, management and skills development programmes and initiatives. Andrew specialises in leadership and management development, group facilitation and initiatives that improve individual, team and organisational effectiveness.
For a number of years, Andrew has lectured on CIPD foundation, intermediate and advanced-level programmes and, as a consultant, has delivered CIPD intermediate programmes as part of the HR apprenticeship.
Education, certifications and professional affiliations:
- Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (MCIPD)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education (University of Central Lancashire)
- Diploma in Management (Chartered Management Institute)
- Certificate in Training Practice (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
- BA (Hons) International Business (University of Central Lancashire).

Previous roles include:
Operations Manager (Learning and Development) at Manchester City Council in which he led the implementation of a centralised structure for the delivery, procurement and administration for the organisation’s learning and development function. Andrew led a number of large-scale organisational change projects including the implementation of e-learning and management development and learning and development procurement frameworks, achieving significant benefits and cost savings to the organisation. Andrew was also part of the Council’s Investors in People (IiP) review team, performing the role of an IiP internal assessor.
As a learning and development delivery specialist at Barclays Bank, Andrew managed the training needs analysis, design, delivery and evaluation for a project moving a processing centre for the bank’s Open Plan product from its test area in Manchester to Poole.
Call Andrew
07745 878 495
Contact Andrew